Moses was a leader who led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. He was born when Pharaoh ordered all Hebrew baby boys to be killed. Fortunately, his mother saved him by placing him in a basket on the Nile River. Even though he grew up in the palace, Moses thought he had a purpose to fulfill. One day, when he saw an Egyptian harming a slave, he tried to help. But in the end, he ended up killing the Egyptian. This forced him to run away to the desert to escape.
In the desert, Moses built a new life, but God spoke to him through a burning bush and told him to return to Egypt to free the Israelites. Moses was scared and didn’t feel he could do the job, but he still did, even though it wasn’t easy. Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go, even after seeing ten terrible plagues that affected the entire land of Egypt. After the Pharaoh finally agreed and the Israelites left, Moses faced many problems. The people he led often complained and didn’t trust him, especially when there wasn’t enough food or water or they had to wander in the desert for 40 years.
One of Moses’ trials was when he hit a rock with a staff instead of following God’s command to speak to the rock. The mistake of not being patient cost Moses to be unpermitted to enter the Promised Land. Even with all these challenges, Moses showed courage, faith, and patience. We can learn that being a follower is hard and full of struggles, but pushing through and having faith in God’s plan will help us persevere.